This was a simple no-code mobile application built for a project management office to aid the capturing of weekly project updates, making it possible to record and visualize reports for weekly presentation within minutes and streamlining a previously cumbersome reporting process that would otherwise take 3-4 days.

Tool Used: Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft SharePoint Lists

Problem Statement

The project management office required a dynamic platform on which they could capture their weekly project status for reporting purposes. The data captured would go on to be fed into a dynamic report presented weekly within the team and bi-weekly to senior management.

Before the creation of the app, the team had captured and presented their updates using excel spreadsheets. Although effective, this process was time-consuming and had a key-man dependency as each project management had to email their individual updates to a reporting analyst who would in turn compile these updates and manually record them in the final reporting spreadsheet.

The Solution

The PMO Weekly Update Application was built to give each project manager a view of their respective project(s), and allow them record progress made during the course of the week. More importantly, they would also be able to flag arising risks, lags, dependencies and issues for reporting at the next team meeting.

PMO App Welcome Page.jpg.png

PMO App Update Page.jpg.png

PMO App Thank you Page.jpg.png

Data Storage

The data entered through the app was saved onto a corresponding SharePoint List. The data stored in this SharePoint List was linked to the team’s Power BI weekly update dashboard and could viewed for each week.

Future Works

An additional page containing a list of previously submitted updates was to be included within the app to ensure that project managers could view and make changes to updates submitted for their assigned projects within the app.